God has revealed His great plan to those who seek to honour Him. The Lord Jesus advised that Daniel was the basis of prophecy (Matthew 24:15) that was later expanded in Revelation (cp 1:1). Prophecies once ‘sealed’ are now clearly discernible in these “end times”. (Amos 3:7; Daniel 12:9,10)
- Unlocking Bible Prophecy – what it is about
- Jesus Christ will Return – his Second Coming is needed to complete his work on earth
- The Jews have fulfilled Bible prophecy – God’s accurate predictions made over 3000 years ago
- The Revival of Israel – the vision of Dry Bones coming together is being fulfilled in our time
- Why is the Nation of Israel being restored? – it is a prelude to a transformed world
- Identifying the Antichrist – what the Bible really says
- What God revealed to Daniel – the succession of empires until God’s Kingdom takes over
- Daniel’s Vision of Four Beasts – more details of dominating powers until Christ returns
- Seals and Trumpets in Revelation – Christ’s last message shows his followers the decline and fall of the Roman Empire
- Seven Vials in Revelation – God’s judgments in modern times lead to His Kingdom on earth
- How Christ comes to rule the world – a possible sequence of future events
- Earthquakes – coming changes in the Holy Land