Unlocking Bible Prophecy

Ranger Prophecy The past examined – the future revealed!

This four week seminar series will be held on Thursdays at 7.30 pm, beginning on 31 March through to 21 April. Held here at the Christchurch North Christadelphian Hall, 4 Ranger Street, Mairehau. All seminars are entirely free with refreshments provided afterwards.

Unlocking Bible Prophecy

Explore the detailed prophecies of world history foretold and fulfilled. Follow the rise and fall of nations. Unlock prophecies that predict events about to occur. Gain personal hope and awareness of your involvement.

Wednesdays, From THURSDAY 31st March 7:30pm – 8:30pm for 4 weeks


Free of charge and including refreshments and course materials. For more information on unlocking bible prophecy:  Register  or PHONE 0800 242 538