Weekly Bible-based Talks
God’s 7000 year Plan for the Earth
Date: Saturday 15th March 2025
Time: 6.00pm
Location: Christadelphian Hall, 4 Ranger Street, Mairehau
Despite the present problems, God has assured us that He will take control once more to restore productivity, peace and harmony to His earth. Soon, the arrival of the Lord will herald a catastrophic event – a massive earthquake!

How is Christ our Representative
Date: Saturday 29th March 2025
Time: 6.00pm
Speaker: Ian Clark
Location: Christadelphian Hall, 4 Ranger Street, Mairehau
The Bible clearly teaches that Jesus Christ, born into humanity, was the model that exhibited to us the way to follow God.

Has Christianity Lost its Way?
Date: Wednesday 12th March 2025
Time: 7.30 pm
Speaker: Ben O'Grady
Location: Bishopdale Community Centre, next to Bishopdale Library, Bishopdale
Most New Zealanders do not regard themselves as Christians. The Christian church are silent on many issues which they were once willing to discuss. How do Christians ensure their faith? Come and hear the answer – how to return to the foundations!

Humanism to Fall – The Writing is on the Wall!
Date: Saturday 5th April 2025
Time: 6.00pm
Speaker: Glen Davies
Location: Christadelphian Hall, 4 Ranger Street, Mairehau
The focus on human opinion and aspirations is causing deep division in modern society. God’s way is to focus on the wonder of God as creator, and look out to the needs of others.

Jerusalem: A Burdensome Stone
Date: Saturday 19th April 2025
Time: 6.00pm
Speaker: Tobi Widemann
Location: Christchurch North Christadelphian Hall, 4 Ranger Street, Mairehau
Jerusalem: Draws international attention, most recently when the USA relocated their embassy. Jerusalem will yet cause all nations to gather against her to battle.

What must we do to be Saved?
Date: Saturday 3rd May 2025
Time: 7.00
Speaker: Brydyn Melles
Location: Christchurch North Christadelphian Hall, 4 Ranger Street, Mairehau
The Bible gives the process of salvation. Our Lord requires to believe and be baptised. Come and hear the way for you to develop your belief in the Lord.

Recent Archaeological discoveries in Israel
Date: Saturday 17th May 2025
Time: 7.00
Speaker: Dan Green
Location: Christchurch North Christadelphian Hall, 4 Ranger Street, Mairehau
Archaeology discoveries verify Israel’s historical right to the land and the accuracy of the Biblical record.

Why is Mary so prominent in Church worship?
Date: Saturday 24th May 2025
Time: 7.00
Speaker: Graeme Garraway
Location: Christchurch North Christadelphian Hall, 4 Ranger Street, Mairehau
Mary is called “Mother of God” by the Catholic Church. We will examine Bible teaching on this subject.