Who are the Christadelphians?

The Christadelphians or “Brethren in Christ” are a small religious body who believe that the Bible contains God’s message to mankind.  We meet in homes and halls and operate as a lay community as was the custom in the time of the Apostles.  Though united in faith and practice, each congregation is autonomous and all members share responsibility in its functions.


Are we another church? – No!

We stand apart from the established churches of Christendom, believing that they have departed from the foundation doctrines of the Scriptures.  The Bible is the only authority and it is necessary to read and understand it to come to know God and walk in His ways (2 Timothy 3:16).


We believe….


Isaiah 45:18There is one GOD, the all powerful Creator who created the universe and the earth for men and women to enjoy.  The ideal conditions were soon subverted by sin, and people still continue to assert their will against the purpose that God had intended.  All social ills spring from the failure to heed the Creator’s instructions.  The story of the Bible involves the painful process of God endeavouring to bring mankind back from the consequences of sin and depravity, so that the earth might be restored in harmony and splendour once more.


MAN is mortal.  He ceases to exist at death.  Immortality can only come through a resurrection of the body from the grave (1 Corinthians 15:54,55).


JESUS CHRIST, the Son of God, was born of his mother, Mary, through the direct intervention of God; and by a life of devotion, obedience and suffering, he plainly revealed the way of life for us to follow (Hebrews 2:14-18; 5:6-9).  His sacrificial death was the ultimate in obedience to his Father’s will and the means of reconciliation for fallen humanity.  God raised him from the dead, granting him all authority in heaven and earth.  He now mediates for us in our endeavours to serve God.


The mission of Jesus Christ was to execute GOD’S PLAN OF REDEMPTION.  God’s disappointment with human waywardness led Him to choose a man (Abraham) and a nation (Israel) through whom to work to bring about His purpose of redemption.  He promised Abraham (the father of the nation of Israel) a land and a nation, that “all families of the earth would be blessed” in his son, the Lord Jesus Christ, who is the centre and focus of all God’s promises (Genesis 12:1-3; 22:16-18).  This promise is the kernel of the GOSPEL, the glad news of the Kingdom of God and the name of Jesus Christ (Galatians 3:8, 16; Luke 13:28-30).


Acts 3:20JESUS CHRIST WILL COME AGAIN, “This same Jesus will come … as ye have seen him go” (Acts 1:1).  He will come in power to assert his claim over his inheritance, the earth.  He will set up his government in Jerusalem, as the rightful heir to the throne of Israel (Luke 1:32-33) and command the allegiance of the nations (Zechariah 14:3, 9, 16). All human governments will be disbanded (Daniel 2:44; Revelation 11:15) and Christ and his followers will administer the earth’s affairs – one religion, one government, one divine law (Micah 4:1-4).  The existence of Israel today as a nation, after two thousand years of dispersion, is the guarantee that we are living on the epoch of Christ’s return (Ezekiel 37:21-28).


You can gain Hope for the Future!

Neither priest nor Church can assure your salvation.  Faith is only developed by hearing the word of God (Romans 10:17) and is confessed in the act of baptism (Mark 16:16).  We then walk in a new way of life, awaiting the coming of the Lord.


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